

At the fourth Year activity, The Indonesian – German Network for Teaching, Training and Research Collaborations (IGN-TTRC), a consortium to improve teaching, training and research collaborations within Indonesia university and between those of Indonesia and Germany, will give a competitive, merit-based scholarship program that provides opportunities for 2 weeks: two weeks for Training of Trainer (Lecturers) and a week for Students Course of Module V on Biochemistry conducted at the University of Brawijaya.  The ToT and Student Course consist of lectures and a practical class given by German and Indonesian tutors. Candidates from the following Universities are eligible participants for the program are involve UB and UNAND (main course Universities), UNSRAT, UNEJ, IPB, UNMUL, and UNAIR (associated Universities). This program is supported by the DAAD (Deutscher Academischer Austausch Dienst), by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic Indonesia and various other funding sources.

Program Objectives

  1. To give a deepest overview of the role of molecular biology methods in biodiversity research. The course modules will be integrated into the biodiversity curricula at the participating universities. The final goal would be a joint the M.Sc and/or PhD curriculum.
  2. To establish a curriculum that is equivalent to a German M.Sc degree and that enables Indonesian students to rapidly integrate into a German PhD program. Credits will be awarded by the IGN-TTRC. The participating universities may accept these certificates as partial fulfillment of an Indonesian PhD degree.

Eligibility Requirements

–       SC:Student Applicants must have Grade Transcripts of (≥3.25) proven by a certified original or certified photocopy of academic records (transcripts) from any previous university work

–       TOT: trainer of teacher must have Grade Transcripts of (≥3.25) proven by a certified original or certified photocopy of academic records (transcripts) from any previous university work

–       Applicant must have active English language proficiency and a TOEFL/TOEIC/IELTS score of min. 450/550/5.5

–       Applicants should provide a motivation letter of 2-3 pages (including CV) describing their scientific interest.

–       Lecturer Applicants must fill in and sign a Commitment Letter of Module Implementation

–       Applicants, except UB participants, should include a statement by the University/Faculty if costs for travel and subsistence can be (partially) covered if the available funding is not sufficient.

–       Applicant should fill in IGN-TTRC application form and send it together with the other material by E-Mail to ignttrc.ub.council@gmail.com and fatchiya@gmail.com along.


Selection Process of Module V on Biochemistry

Selection of students and graduate students

All participating institutions will motivate their best students to apply for the courses. Candidates will write a letter of motivation accompanied by a brief evaluation by their mentor. The council will decide on acceptance based on excellence of the candidates. In the case of equal qualification, we will try to accommodate students from different partner universities. It is understood that gender issues will be strictly observed.

Funding for travel and subsistence is limited to approx. 10 persons. Up to 20 (max.) students/lecturers may be accepted for each course if additional funding is provided by the faculty/university.

Selection will be made by IGN-TTRC Council academic review committee that includes UNKA, UB, UNAND, IPB, UNSRAT, UNMUL, UNEJ and UNAIR.  In selecting the eligible candidate, the review committee will consider academic merit as well as evidence of leadership potential and experience capacity for change; adaptability; ability to pursue independent study; English language proficiency; creativity; initiative; self-expression.

Application Deadline
·         A complete application must be received by IGN-TTRC Council of the University of Brawijaya, Prof. Fatchiyah M.Kes., PhD: ignttrc.ub.council@gmail.com & fatchiya@gmail.com  No later than June 30th 2014. Please write the subject email are ToT UB Module 5 for lecturer or SC UB Module 5 for student.


Award Provisions and Conditions

Scholarship recipients will receive the following:

  • Free tuition fee for ToT and Student course
  • Credits Certificate will be awarded by the IGN-TTRC
  • For participants `from outside UB (UNSRAT, UNEJ, IPB, UNMUL, and UNAIR) will be reimbused for transportation from their university to UB, please use economic ticket.


Award Decision, Start Dates and Venue

Award decisions are expected to be announced on Website http://smonagenes@ub.ac.id and/or Email to inviting participant by July 15th, 2014.

Courses take place on

ToT: August 11-22, 2014 (UB Malang)

SC   : August 18-22, 2014 (UB Malang)

UB Venue: at Biosains Laboratory UB


Written and E-mail Inquiries

Email inquiries addressed to ignttrc.ub.council@gmail.com & fatchiya@gmail.com

Download Files:

1.module 5 IGNTTRC UB Council Application Announce biochemistry (PDF)

2. IGN TTRC Application form module V (PDF)

3. IGN TTRC Application form module V (Word)



This July, the IGN-TTRC lecture will be take by Prof Michael Blake (who one famous professor of DNA Barcoding in the World)  and DR.Stefan Smith from Munich University German

Let’s send Your Application as soon as possible!

If you need the application form –>please send email to ignttrc.ub.council@gmail.com or praba.sanjaya@gmail.com, or take a soft copy on LSIH UB lt 2


Implementation IGN for TTR Biodiversity Curricula

Training of Trainers and Students Course of Module II on DNA Barcoding

Brawijaya University

Malang, July 1-14, 2012

At the Second Year activity, The Indonesian – German Network for Teaching, Training and Research Collaborations (IGN-TTRC), a consortium to improve teaching, training and research collaborations within Indonesian universities and between those of Indonesia and Germany, will give a competitive, merit-based scholarship program that provides opportunities for two weeks: one week Training of Trainers (Lecturers) and a one week Students Course in Module II on DNA Barcoding, conducted at the University of Brawijaya. The ToT and Student Course consist of lectures and a practical class given by German and Indonesian tutors. Candidates from the following Universities are eligible participants for the program and involve UB and UNAND (main course Universities), UNSRAT, UNEJ, IPB, UNMUL, and UNAIR (associated Universities). This program is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, DAAD), by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic Indonesia, and several other funding sources.

The biological diversity of each country is a valuable and vulnerable natural resource. Sampling, identifying, and studying biological specimens are among the first steps towards protecting and benefiting from this biodiversity. DNA Barcoding is new tool for taxonomic research based on sequence diversity in short, standardized genomic regions. The international DNA Barcoding initiative is generating a global, open access library of reference barcode sequences that will allow the reliable identification of biological specimens by non-taxonomists. In principle, DNA Barcoding requires three consecutive steps: a. obtaining and preparing organisms (collecting, identification, preparation, and preserving), b. Laboratory procedure: sampling and processing specimen samples to obtain DNA barcode gene sequences, and c. data management using a dedicated database.

Program Objectives

  1. To give an overview of the role of molecular biology methods in biodiversity research. The course modules will be integrated into the biodiversity curricula at the participating universities. The final goal would be a joint the M.Sc and/or PhD curriculum.
  2. To establish a curriculum that is equivalent to a German MSc degree and that enables Indonesian students to rapidly integrate into a German PhD program. Credits will be awarded by the IGN-TTRC. The participating universities may accept these certificates as partial fulfillment of an Indonesian PhD degree.

Eligibility Requirements

–       Student Applicants must have Grade Transcripts of (≥3.25) proven by a certified original or certified photocopy of academic records (transcripts) from any previous university work

–       Applicant must have active English language proficiency and a TOEFL/TOEIC/IELTS score of min. 450/550/5.5

–       Applicants should provide a motivation letter of 2-3 pages (including CV) describing their scientific interest.

–       Lecturer Applicants must fill in and sign a Commitment Letter of Module Implementation

–       Applicants, except UB participants, should include a statement by the University/Faculty if costs for travel and subsistence can be (partially) covered if the available funding is not sufficient.

–       Applicant should fill in IGN-TTRC application form and send it together with the other material by E-Mail to ignttrc.ub.council@gmail.com along.


Selection Process of Module II on DNA Barcoding

Selection of students and graduate students

All participating institutions will motivate their best students to apply for the courses. Candidates will write a letter of motivation accompanied by a brief evaluation by their mentor. The council will decide on acceptance based on excellence of the candidates. In the case of equal qualification, we will try to accommodate students from different partner universities. It is understood that gender issues will be strictly observed.

Funding for travel and subsistence is limited to approx. 10 persons. Up to 20 (max.) students/lecturers may be accepted for each course if additional funding is provided by the faculty/university.

Selection will be made by the IGN-TTRC Council academic review committee that includes UNKA, UB, UNAND, IPB, UNSRAT, UNMUL, UNEJ and UNAIR.  In selecting eligible candidates, the review committee will consider academic merit as well as evidence of leadership potential and experience capacity for change; adaptability; ability to pursue independent study; English language proficiency; creativity; initiative; self-expression.

Application Deadline
·         A complete application must be received by IGN-TTRC Council of the University of Brawijaya, Fatchiyah, PhD: ignttrc.ub.council@gmail.com no later than April 20th 2012. Please write the subject email ToT UB Module 2 for lecturers or SC UB Module 2 for students.


Award Provisions and Conditions

Scholarship recipients will receive the following:

  • Free tuition fee for TOT and student course
  • Credits Certificate will be awarded by the IGN-TTRC
  • For participants from outside UB (UNSRAT, UNEJ, IPB, UNMUL, and UNAIR) will be reimbursed for transportation from their university to UB


Award Decision, Start Dates and Venue

Award decisions are expected to be announced on Website http://lsih.ub.ac.id and/or email to inviting participant by June 1, 2012.

Courses take place on July 1-14, 2012 (UB Malang)

UB Venue: at Central Lab of Life Sciences UB (LSIH UB)


Written and E-mail Inquiries

Email inquiries may be addressed to ignttrc.ub.council@gmail.com



Central Laboratory of Life Science (LSIH) is one of research central of Brawijaya University that established on 2007. This institution is a research laboratory which mainly conduct research of various field on biotechnology and molecular biology, especially in the field of life sciences, supported by national and international level facilities. To celebrate the fifth anniversary of LSIH we will conduct The second International Conference of Life Sciences 2012 (ICLS 2012) with the theme Prospective and Contribution of Life Sciences for Better Life.

The objective of ICLS 2012 is to bring together researchers, scientists, practitioners, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results related to all aspects of life sciences that gives positive contribution and prospects for better life in the future.


The ICLS 2012 will be dividing on three programs: symposium, parallel seminar, and poster sessions. For the symposium, there will be invited speaker who will present topic in life science. Parallel seminar of oral presentations will be carried out concurrently. There will be scheduled poster sessions during the conference.



Conference Dates: July 14th to 16th, 2012

Venue: Widyaloka Convention Hall, University of Brawijaya,

Jl. Veteran, Malang, 65145, INDONESIA



Abstract submission deadline: April 16th, 2012

Full paper submission deadline: June 8th, 2012


The scope of this conference is the fields of

  1. Biopharmacy and Biomedicine
  2. Microbiology
  3. Food, Nutrition and Nutrigenomic
  4. Animal genetic, reproduction and production
  5. Agricultural biotechnology
  6. Ethic, legal, social and economical implication


This conference would be interesting for researchers from Universities, researchers’ institute, and graduate student.

The conference fee:

Payment address:

Treasurer LSIH UB (Gatot Ciptadi, Ir.)

Account No.: 3150730502

Bank Central Asia (BCA) KPU Dinoyo Malang

Swiftcode: CENAIDJA

Receive payment should be send to facsimile: +62 341 559054 and/or email iclsub2012@gmail.com

detail information  on  http://icls2012.ub.ac.id