

Rista Nikmatu Rohmah, Soraya Widyasari, Aulanni’am, Fatchiyah.Cloning and Expression of hGAD65 Gene in E. Coli BL21. Ind. J. Biotech. vol 18 No 1: 52-57

Anggun I. Budiningrum, Achmad Rofi’i, Suharjono Suharjono, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah. PARP-1 expression against Epstein-Barr virus LMP-1 and BZLF-1 in undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma. J Exp. Integr. Med. 2013; 3: In Press)

Nur Kusmiyati, Nur Hidayat, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah. Partial Analysis 16S rRNA Gene in Lactobacillus spp. from Natural Fermented Milk [English] (J Cukurova 2013, 38 In Press)

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