

INDOSTAFF (Indonesia Staff University Development) is alumni group of the University Staff Development program (UNISTAFF) at Institute for Socio-cultural Studies (ISOS), University of Kassel, Witzenhausen, Germany is a training course that enables university staff from developing countries to gain experiences and develop their potential as academics at their institutions. Held since 1995, they particularly cater for university staff from Central America, Southeast Asia and Eastern Africa.

The creation of academic beings with the ability to make changes, establishment and development of higher education in the broad sense as, a tangible manifestation of concern for education of the nation.

Mission statement:
Disseminate and develop the shared vision and involved leadership principles in Indonesian context.

completed data here

INDOSTAFF has successfully carried out a workshop on INDOSTAFF  organization at Agrowisata Batu Malang on 11 – 14 February 2009 (  The workshop was funded by DAAD and DGHE.

Today (Nov 29,2013), Indostaff is taking a congress  2013 which opened by Dean of FTP UGM and Presidium Indostaff: Dr.Ir Wahyu Supartono (UGM), Dr.dr Abraham Simatupang (UKI), Dr.Ir Setyo Pratiwi (IPB). Participant: Prof.Dr.Ir Hendrawan Soetanto, M.Rur. (Dewas), Chapter Sumatra: Setyarini Santoso (UIB), Chapter Jakarta: Dr. Ied Sitepu (UKI), Chapter Jawa Barat: Puji Mudiana (IPB), Tanti (Univ Maranata, Bandung), Lien (IPB), Chapter Yogya dan Jateng: Dr. Wisjnu Martani (UGM), Prof.Dr.drh Wayan Tunas Artha (UGM), Singgih (UGM), Chapter Jatim: Prof.Dr. Marjono, M.Phil. (UB), Prof. Fatchiyah, PhD (UB).