

hi post graduate students

I have upload all material of protein engineering at mk-rekayasa-protein-protein-engineering/


1. protein-modification-engineering/

2. protein-expression-system/

3. protein-modification-pcr-based-site-mutation/

4. biotechnology-and-medicine-ethical-concerns/

Jadual kuliah



Fatchiyah had been attended and also as chairman on LS & BE with title  ”Mutation on Human Insulin Receptor Gene of Diabetes Melitus Type-2 Patient Reduced the Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1) Activation” the 2013 International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering (LS & BE) Osaka-Japan, 8-9 November 2013.

full paper had been published on Bioinformation 9(17) 2013



Indonesian German Network for Teaching, Training, and Research collaboration ( in collaboration with Gmy indosequenceATC Biotech German has now provided sequencing service in Indonesia with competitive price, and is based in Malang (Brawijaya University). More detail can be found at

we also offer the phylogenetic analysis for prokaryotic  organisms by 16SrDNA universal primers, and analysis in silico for phylogenetic analysis, docking ligand-receptors, drugs-target protein, etc., networking for pathway analysis. and other analysis of bioinformatics, nutrigenomics, pharmacogenomics, and so on.

leaflet click indoseq brosur

Flyer my indoseq




Di UB telah dibentuk beberapa kelompok riset baru yang didanai oleh PHK C, salah satunya adalah:

smonagenes UB

SMONAGENES UB adalah kelompok penelitian yang berbasis pada rekayasa hayati ‘Molekul Cerdas dari Sumber Genetik Alami’ (Smart Molecule of Natural Genetics Resource) bertujuan menciptakan suatu sistem manajemen riset yang terpadu, efisien, efektif dan terbuka dengan visi dan misi yang jelas meliputi peningkatan publikasi ilmiah, paten produk riset, kerjasama dengan pihak luar nasional maupun internasional, dan manajemen pemasaran yang tepat, kompetitif & daya saing tinggi.

Kelompok ini diketuai oleh Prof. Fatchiyah, M.Kes., PhD. (FMIPA UB)

Anggota: Dr.Ir. Gatot Ciptadi, DESS.(FaPet UB), Prof. Dr.Ir. Chanif Machdi, MS. (FMIPA UB), Dr. Sri Rahayu, M.Kes (FMIPA UB) adan Widodo, M.Si., PhD. (FMIPA UB)

Cek kiprahnya pada website berikut ini:



Sentot J Raharjo, mahasiwa S3 Biologi FMIPA UB tahun ajaran 2012, Bimbingan Prof Fatchiyah, PhD, berhasil mendapatkan insentif Artikel pada Jurnal International DIKTI tahun 2013, click here

Pada artikel berikut:

Raharjo SJ. and Fatchiyah F. 2013. Virtual Screening of Coumpounds from the Patchouli Oli of Pogostemon Herba for Cox-1 Inhibitation. Bioinformation 9 (6): 321 – 324  PMCID: PMC3607192



Fatchiyah Fatchiyah, Nur Christian, DjokoWahono Soeatmadji. Reducing IRS-1 Activation Cause Mutation of Tyrosine Kinase Domain hINSR Gene on Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients. Bioinformation 9(17): 853-857 (2013); abstract



Rista Nikmatu Rohmah, Soraya Widyasari, Aulanni’am, Fatchiyah.Cloning and Expression of hGAD65 Gene in E. Coli BL21. Ind. J. Biotech. vol 18 No 1: 52-57

Anggun I. Budiningrum, Achmad Rofi’i, Suharjono Suharjono, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah. PARP-1 expression against Epstein-Barr virus LMP-1 and BZLF-1 in undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma. J Exp. Integr. Med. 2013; 3: In Press)

Nur Kusmiyati, Nur Hidayat, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah. Partial Analysis 16S rRNA Gene in Lactobacillus spp. from Natural Fermented Milk [English] (J Cukurova 2013, 38 In Press)

Abstract here



Hi students.

This semester you will have a guest lecturer from Massey University New Zealand, He is an smart guy, namely Austen Ganley, PhD. if you want to know him click here

when he will discuss with all of you? click Jadual Kuliah Biologi Molekuler ganjil 2013 2014



let’s take look new construction of my publication and abstract

Click here




1. Miggy Uri Karitas, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah. Profil Protein Yogurt Susu Kambing PE dengan Kultur Tunggal Pada 30-60 kDa dengan SDS-PAGE. Biotropika 2013, 1(2): 65-69 [Abstract]

2. Rizky Nurdiansyah, Sri Rahayu Lestari, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah. Kajian Nutrigenomik: Penghambatan Igf-1 Pada Adipogenesis Jaringan Lemak Viseral Tikus Dengan Ekstrak Kulit Rambutan. Biotropika 2013, 1(6): [Abstract]