

 “Mutation on Human Insulin Receptor Gene of Diabetes Melitus Type-2 Patient Reduced the Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1) Activation” the 2013 International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering (LS & BE) Osaka-Japan, 8-9 November 2013

“Bioinformatics: be able to handle the large amount of information”. The 2nd International Conference of IGN-TTRC Biodiversity and Biotechnology for Human Life, Airlangga University, Surabaya, August 19-20, 2013

“New Approach of Nutritional Genomic of System Biology on Target Cells” APCCN 2013, Tokyo, June 9-12, 2013

“Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetic on Molecular Mechanism”. Stadium General in Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 13 May, 2013

“Herbs on Nutrigenomic”. Int. Symposium & Seminars of Herbs, FK UB, Malang, March 8-9, 2013


“Nutrigenomic for Healthy Life”. ICLS UB, Batu, July 14-15, 2012

In silico Analysis on Structure & Function Prediction of Tyrosine Kinase Domain on Insulin Reseptor of DM Patients. The 1st IGN-TTRC International Conference ‘Biotechnology for Human Life”, August 2012, IPB Bogor.


“Glucomannan as Herbal Therapy for Control Blood Glucose of Diabetes”. The 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition (7th APCCN 2011) 5-9 June, 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand.

“Function of hINSR Mutants Against Tyrosine Kinase Precede Abnormality on Onset DM: In silico Analysis. ICBS UGM, Yogyakarta, 23-24 Sept, 2011

In silico Prediction of IR Gene on DM Type 2 Patients Capability on IRS-1 Activation. ICBS UGM, Yogyakarta, 23-24 Sept, 2011


“Study of Glucomannan as Preventive Alternative to Regulate DM Disease”. BSS UB, February 2010. Malang.

UNESCO Conference on Capacity Building in Life Science. Yogyakarta, 24 May 2010

“Analysis In Silico: Superimpose Structure of Tyrosine Kinase Receptor region of Insulin Normal & Abnormal”. BSS UB, February 2010. Malang


“Genomic & Proteomic Characterization of Insulin Receptor (hINSR) of DM Patients “, 16-17 Oct ICBS UGM, Yogyakarta


“Revealing Spleen Ad4BP/SF1 Knockout Mouse by BAC-Ad4BP-tTAZ transgene”. The 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 3 – 6 Dec, Singapore

” Molecular Biomechanice of Sex Differentiation “, The 4th Indonesia Biotechnology Conference. August,  IPB Bogor.

“Transgenic and Knockout Mice in Human Disesae Research Novel Insights into Pathophysiology and Perspectives “, 3-4 June, ISMA- UNAIR Surabaya


“Tet-Off System Drive The Inactivity Gene Target Of BACAd4BPTTAZ Transgenic Mice “, The ICMBLS 19-21 November, di UB Malang.


“The Role of Knockout Gene Animal in Understanding Pathogenesis of Endocrine Disease ” KongNas. PERKENI VII, 30 Juni – 2 Juli  di Malang.

“The Ad4BP/SF-1 Function of Testes BACAd4BPtTAZ Transgenic-Knockout Mice Normally Regulated during Development” The Int. Conf. on Math. and Nat. Sci. 29 – 30 November  at ITB Bandung.


“Tet-off System Drives The Inactivity Gene Target of BACAd4BPtTAZ transgenic mice”. The ISA-Japan Scientific Meeting, Nagoya, September 3-4.

“Gonad Embryo of FtzF1 Knockout Mice was Rescued with BACAd4BPtTAZ Transgenic”. The ISA-Japan Scientific Meeting, Nagoya, September 3-4


“Characteristics of BAC-Ad4BPtTAZ Mice Lines”, Seminar of Molecular Biomechanics, School of Life Sciences, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Tsumagoi-Sizuoka, Japan, November 1-3rd’2004