




Pertemuan ke

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Metoda pembelajaran

1 Overview molecular biology techniques. Lab. biosafety, basic  and sterile techniques, pippetting  test Lecture F
2 Basic analysis of DNA and RNA Lecture F
3 DNA Electrophoresis: Agorose & Polyacrilamide Lecture & practice F
4 Amplification DNA by PCR, RT-PCR and qPCR Lecture & practice F
5 DNA Cloning Techniques: Vector, DNA target, manipulation enzyme Lecture & practice ELA
6 DNA Reccombinant Transformation, microbe cell culture and single clone selection Lecture & practice ELA
7 Single clone of DNA Recombinant identification by PCR or RFLP Lecture & practice ELA
8 Middle test
9 Gene Expression DNA Recombinant: Basic Analysis of Protein Lecture SWD
10 Protein isolation and purifcation from clone Lecture & practice SWD
11 SDS PAGE Lecture & practice SWD
12 Immunoblotting: dot-blot and Western blot Lecture & practice W
12 Immnunohistochemistry Lecture W
14 S C L Report presentation TIM
15 S C L Report presentation TIM

MK TAGM untuk Pascasarjana S2 Biologi adalah MK implementasi IGN-TTRC UB Council Module 1 untuk Biologi Molekuler.

Tim Dosen:

Fatchiyah, M.Kes., PhD. (F, Koordinator), Dr.Ir.Estri Laras Arumingtyas, MScSt (ELA), Dr. Sri Widyarti, M.Si (SWD) dan Widodo, MS, Ph.D (W)

Acuan Bacaan

Arif IA, Bakir MA, Khan HA, Al Farhan AH, Al Homaidan AA, Bahkali AH, Sadoon MA, Shobrak M. A brief review of molecular techniques to assess plant diversity. Int J Mol Sci. 2010 May 10;11(5):2079-96.

Fatchiyah. Arumingtyas EL, Widyarti S, Rahayu S. Biologi Molekuler: Prinsip Dasar Analisis: Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta. 2011.

Fierro AC, Vandenbussche F, Engelen K, Van de Peer Y, Marchal K.  Meta Analysis of Gene Expression Data within and Across Species. Curr Genomics. 2008 Dec;9(8):525-34.

Kremer A, Caron H, Cavers S, Colpaert N, Gheysen G, Gribel R, Lemes M, Lowe AJ, Margis R, Navarro C, Salgueiro F. Monitoring genetic diversity in tropical trees with multilocus dominant markers. Heredity. 2005 Oct;95(4):274-80.

Alves RR, Alves HN . The faunal drugstore: animal-based remedies used in traditional medicines in Latin America . J Ethnobiol Ethnomed. 2011 Mar 7;7:9.

Thomas TR, Kavlekar DP, LokaBharathi PA.Marine drugs from sponge-microbe association–a review.Mar Drugs. 2010 Apr 22;8(4):1417-68.

Finkeldey R, Leinemann L, Gailing O. Molecular genetic tools to infer the origin of forest plants and wood. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2010 Feb;85(5):1251-8. Epub 2009 Nov 13.

Nellen, W. 2011. IGN-TTRC Biodiversity Molecular Biology module 1: training of trainers & student course. Implementation Indonesian German Network for Teaching, Training and Research Collaborations (IGN-TTRC) UB Council. Kassel University. German


WebLink: Genbank, SwissProt, etc



ini adalah syllabus dan buku praktikum yang telah diterapkan di Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UB, sebagai ujud implementasi program kerjasama Indonesia German (IGN-TTRC) dimana sebagai main course IGN TTRC UB council.
semoga dapat dimanfaatkan bagi mahasiswa dan peneliti muda yg belajar molekuler dan DNA rekombinan.
salam Penulis
1) Syllabi (RPKPS) TABM 2012 final
2) Praktikum TABM S1 Biologi MIPA UB