

Dear Sir/Madam,

We would like to inform you our Second Announcement that Central Laboratory of Life Science University of Brawijaya (LSIH-UB) will be held “The Second International Conference Life Sciences 2012” (ICLS 2012), which theme is “Prospective and Contribution of Life Sciences for Better Life” on July 14th-16th, 2012. For detail information, please visit  our web site http://icls2012.ub.ac.id  

In this second announcement, we change our conference venue from Widyaloka Convention Hall University of Brawijaya to the Panderman Convention Hall Royal Orchids Garden Hotel. We choose this place because it located in Batu City which is very famous as tourism destination, so it will makes our participant can get more advantages, not only attend the conference but also can enjoy the tourism destination and facilities around this area.

We would really appreciate it if you can help us disseminate this  information to your colleagues. Thank you.

Best regards,
ICLS Committee



Central Laboratory of Life Science (LSIH) is one of research central of Brawijaya University that established on 2007. This institution is a research laboratory which mainly conduct research of various field on biotechnology and molecular biology, especially in the field of life sciences, supported by national and international level facilities. To celebrate the fifth anniversary of LSIH we will conduct The second International Conference of Life Sciences 2012 (ICLS 2012) with the theme Prospective and Contribution of Life Sciences for Better Life.

The objective of ICLS 2012 is to bring together researchers, scientists, practitioners, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results related to all aspects of life sciences that gives positive contribution and prospects for better life in the future.


The ICLS 2012 will be dividing on three programs: symposium, parallel seminar, and poster sessions. For the symposium, there will be invited speaker who will present topic in life science. Parallel seminar of oral presentations will be carried out concurrently. There will be scheduled poster sessions during the conference.



Conference Dates: July 14th to 16th, 2012

Venue: Widyaloka Convention Hall, University of Brawijaya,

Jl. Veteran, Malang, 65145, INDONESIA



Abstract submission deadline: April 16th, 2012

Full paper submission deadline: June 8th, 2012


The scope of this conference is the fields of

  1. Biopharmacy and Biomedicine
  2. Microbiology
  3. Food, Nutrition and Nutrigenomic
  4. Animal genetic, reproduction and production
  5. Agricultural biotechnology
  6. Ethic, legal, social and economical implication


This conference would be interesting for researchers from Universities, researchers’ institute, and graduate student.

The conference fee:

Payment address:

Treasurer LSIH UB (Gatot Ciptadi, Ir.)

Account No.: 3150730502

Bank Central Asia (BCA) KPU Dinoyo Malang

Swiftcode: CENAIDJA

Receive payment should be send to facsimile: +62 341 559054 and/or email iclsub2012@gmail.com

detail information  on  http://icls2012.ub.ac.id