

Transgenic and Knockout Mice in Human Disease Research: Novel Insights into Pathophysiology and Perspectives*)

Dra. Fatchiyah, M.Kes. Ph.D.
Brawijaya University, Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145

The ability to engineer the mouse genome has proven useful for a variety of applications in research, medicine and biotechnology. The development of transgenic and knockout technologies has driven an explosion in new animal models of disease. These engineered diseases are a departure from previous animal models in that pathological syndromes are created from a priori assumptions about how disease pathogenesis could develop. Both of mice models have become powerful reagents for modeling genetic disorders, understanding embryonic development and evaluating therapeutics. These mice and the cell lines derived from them have also accelerated basic research by allowing scientists to assign functions to genes, dissect genetic pathways, and manipulate the cellular or biochemical properties of proteins. Such models have been useful in providing new information on the functions of receptor of the insulin or insulin-like growth factor family have been implicated in the regulation of pancreatic β-cells and insulin secretion. However, the contrived nature of the systems might generate false information, unless validated by careful reference to human disease and spontaneous disease in other animal models.

Keywords: transgenic, knockout mouse model, pathological function

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*)This paper is presented at the International Seminar, “Management Strategy on Animal Health and Production Control in the Anticipation of  Global Warming for the Achievement of Millennium Developmental Goals.” This seminar was hold on June, 3-4th 2008 at the ELMI Hotel Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia