

INDOSTAFF (Indonesia Staff University Development) is alumni group of the University Staff Development program (UNISTAFF) at Institute for Socio-cultural Studies (ISOS), University of Kassel, Witzenhausen, Germany is a training course that enables university staff from developing countries to gain experiences and develop their potential as academics at their institutions. Held since 1995, they particularly cater for university staff from Central America, Southeast Asia and Eastern Africa.

The creation of academic beings with the ability to make changes, establishment and development of higher education in the broad sense as, a tangible manifestation of concern for education of the nation.

Mission statement:
Disseminate and develop the shared vision and involved leadership principles in Indonesian context.

completed data here

INDOSTAFF has successfully carried out a workshop on INDOSTAFF  organization at Agrowisata Batu Malang on 11 – 14 February 2009 (  The workshop was funded by DAAD and DGHE.

Today (Nov 29,2013), Indostaff is taking a congress  2013 which opened by Dean of FTP UGM and Presidium Indostaff: Dr.Ir Wahyu Supartono (UGM), Dr.dr Abraham Simatupang (UKI), Dr.Ir Setyo Pratiwi (IPB). Participant: Prof.Dr.Ir Hendrawan Soetanto, M.Rur. (Dewas), Chapter Sumatra: Setyarini Santoso (UIB), Chapter Jakarta: Dr. Ied Sitepu (UKI), Chapter Jawa Barat: Puji Mudiana (IPB), Tanti (Univ Maranata, Bandung), Lien (IPB), Chapter Yogya dan Jateng: Dr. Wisjnu Martani (UGM), Prof.Dr.drh Wayan Tunas Artha (UGM), Singgih (UGM), Chapter Jatim: Prof.Dr. Marjono, M.Phil. (UB), Prof. Fatchiyah, PhD (UB).



Kerjasama antara kelompok Riset Smonagenes UB dengan Pusat Studi Osteoporosis, RSUD Ulin, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Pembentukan kelompok penelitian yang berbasis pada rekayasa hayati ‘Molekul Cerdas dari Sumber Genetik Alami’ (Smart Molecule of Natural Genetics Resource, SMONAGENES) atas dasar beberapa peneliti yang melakukan penelitian dalam pengembangan bahan-bahan alami dari hewan dan tanaman untuk menemukan nutrisi sehat berbasis gen-gen yang menyebabkan penyakit degeratif maupun metabolic.

Selain itu, pembentukan kelompok riset ini juga untuk menciptakan suatu sistem manajemen riset yang terpadu, efisien, efektif dan terbuka dengan visi dan misi yang jelas meliputi peningkatan publikasi ilmiah, paten produk riset, kerjasama dengan pihak luar nasional maupun internasional, dan manajemen pemasaran yang tepat, kompetitif dan daya saing tinggi dari setiap anggota peneliti.

Kegiatan -kegiatan yang telah dilakukan kelompok penelitian SMONAGENES antara lain publikasi karya ilmiah dalam bentuk publikasi jurnal, maupun mengikuti seminar atau konferensi ilmiah skala internasional, paten hasil riset yang disebarluaskan ke masyarakat luas, menetapkan sistem pemasaran yang tepat dan komprehensif serta membangun kerjasama dengan pihak luar.

Untuk implementasi kegiatan-kegiatan yang sudah banyak dilakukan, salah satunya adalah melakukan penelitian bersama yang telah berjalan mulai beberapa tahun ini antara peneliti dari UB dan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Kelompok Penelitian SMONAGENES untuk membangun kerjasama secara formal dengan Pusat Studi Osteoporosis, RSUD Ulin, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Kerjasama ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hubungan kelembagaan antara kedua belah pihak dalam melaksanakan kegiatan yang termasuk bidang pendidikan, pelatihan, penelitian dan pengembangan, baik yang sudah berjalan maupun yang akan datang. Dalam kerjasama tersebut kedua pihak akan saling membantu dalam melaksanakan kegiatan bersama yang meliputi Penelitian dan pengembangan industri Bioteknologi, kedokteran dasar dan klinik, dan berbagi ilmu dan informasi teknologi dan publikasi bersama (smonagenes ub).

berita terkait ada di prasetya online







Biosains UB bekerjasama dengan PT Biofarma persero telah berhasil mewujudkan kerjasama dalam pembuatan kit diagnostik “Rapid Test Autoimmune GAD65” untuk penyakit diabetes tipe1, yang segera akan dipasarkan.

Adapun desain produk yang Prof Aulanni’am dan Biosains team ujudkan untuk kit tersebut seperti pada gambar berikut:

kit diasnostik GAD 65“Alhamdulillah ujud kerja keras semua pihak, semoga produk lainnya menyusul”



Fatchiyah akan mempresentasikan materi “Manipulation and Screening Strategy of Bacterial Artificial Chromosome DNA Recombinant” pada seminar nasional DNA Transgenik dan Kloning yang diselenggarakan oleh Biosains UB pada tgl 25 November 2013

materi dapat didownload disini Prof Fatchiyah,PhD BAC DNA Recombinant






(figure copied from


“Understanding the ethical boundaries in scientific research and publishing is a key step in making sure your work gets off to the best start. From there, anything’s possible”

Bioethics research:

  • Morality is a unique feature of the life of human beings. It is deeply influenced by several cultural factors, such as history, traditions, education, religious beliefs, etc.
  • The intellectual analysis of this human dimension in all of its complexity is the goal of the discipline called Ethics. Ethics does not create morality or moral behavior.
  • The goal of ethics is much more modest: to explore the nature of moral experience, its universality and its diversity.
  • Ethics and morality are generally taken as synonyms, because they originally had the same meaning: the study of the disposition, character, or attitude of a specific person, group of people or culture, and ways of promoting or perfecting it

Check it out the material lecture here


Integrity and trust. these values are the hallmarks of the scientific discovery and publication process. Being objective is critical to this process, because communicating one’s research to the scientific community is at the heart of what keeps science alive. It’s also the principal way that scientists make their reputations, get jobs and promotions, and obtain sustained research support.




hi post graduate students

I have upload all material of protein engineering at mk-rekayasa-protein-protein-engineering/


1. protein-modification-engineering/

2. protein-expression-system/

3. protein-modification-pcr-based-site-mutation/

4. biotechnology-and-medicine-ethical-concerns/

Jadual kuliah



Fatchiyah had been attended and also as chairman on LS & BE with title  ”Mutation on Human Insulin Receptor Gene of Diabetes Melitus Type-2 Patient Reduced the Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1) Activation” the 2013 International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering (LS & BE) Osaka-Japan, 8-9 November 2013.

full paper had been published on Bioinformation 9(17) 2013



Indonesian German Network for Teaching, Training, and Research collaboration ( in collaboration with Gmy indosequenceATC Biotech German has now provided sequencing service in Indonesia with competitive price, and is based in Malang (Brawijaya University). More detail can be found at

we also offer the phylogenetic analysis for prokaryotic  organisms by 16SrDNA universal primers, and analysis in silico for phylogenetic analysis, docking ligand-receptors, drugs-target protein, etc., networking for pathway analysis. and other analysis of bioinformatics, nutrigenomics, pharmacogenomics, and so on.

leaflet click indoseq brosur

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