

lecture-Teknik Analisis sidikjari molekuler OK



material lecture:

1. DNA fingerprinting and barcoding (fat-UB 2015)

2. Lecture Intro Forensic Science DNA Testing

3. 5.dbSnp of nucleotide Seq Variation

4. Lecture DNA Barcode (taxmol or molEvo)

5. dbSNP variation



Jadual Kuliah Biologi Molekuler (MAB 4162: 2sks)

JB-UB, Semester Ganjil 2015-2016

Kelas: A


Hari: Rabu                                           07:30-09:15                            Ruang: MP 2.4






1 09-9-15 Pendahuluan, konsep dasar dan prespektif biologi molekuler


Ceramah, Diskusi,

Laptop, LCD

2 16-9-15
  1. Struktur Molekuler dari gen dan Kromosom
    1. Replikasi DNA


Presentasi, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video

3 23-9-15 Proses Transkripsi Gen pada sintesis protein


Presentasi, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video

4 30-9-15 Proses Translasi Gen pada sintesis protein


Presentasi, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video

5 7-10-15 Mekanisme regulasi secara umum level seluler & molekuler


Ceramah, Diskusi,

Laptop, LCD,

6 14-10-15 Mekanisme regulasi gen prokariota


Presentasi, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video, Kuis

7 21-10-15 Mekanisme regulasi gen eukariota, Tanaman


Presentasi, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video

8 28-10-15



9  11-11-15 Mekanisme regulasi gen eukariota: Human and animal


Presentasi, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video, Kuis

10 18-11-15 Struktur dasar Protein: determinasi & klasifikasi


Ceramah, Diskusi,

Laptop, LCD

11 25-11-15 Protein modification


Ceramah, Diskusi,

Laptop, LCD, Kuis

12 02-12-15 Functional Protein


Presentasi, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video

13 09-12-15 Interaksi antara  DNA-Protein & Protein-Protein


Presentasi, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video, Kuis

14 16-12-15 Proteomics, Metabolomics,

and Systems Biology


Ceramah, Diskusi,

Laptop, LCD, Kuis

15 23-12-15 Gene Regulation in Development

and Evolution


Ceramah, Diskusi,

Laptop, LCD, Kuis

16   UAS


Dosen Utama: F (Fatchiyah, Ph.D); ELA (Dr.Ir. Estri Laras A., MSc.St), SW (Dr. Sri Widyarti, MS)

Dosen tamu: WDD (Widodo, PhD.) and SBS (Prof. Sutiman B. Sumitro, SU, D.Sc.).


Jadual Kuliah Biologi Molekuler (MAB 4162: 2sks)

JB-UB, Semester Ganjil 2015-2016

Kelas: B


Hari: Rabu                                           9:20-11:00                              Ruang: MP 2.4






1 090-9-15 Pendahuluan, konsep dasar dan prespektif  biologi molekuler


Ceramah, Diskusi,

Laptop, LCD

2 16-9-15
  1. Struktur Molekuler dari gen dan Kromosom
  2. Replikasi DNA


Presentasi, Makalah, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video

3 23-9-15 Proses Transkripsi Gen pada sintesis protein


Presentasi, Makalah, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video

4 30-9-15 Proses Translasi Gen pada sintesis protein


Presentasi, Makalah, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video

5 7-10-15 Mekanisme regulasi secara umum level seluler & molekuler


Ceramah, Diskusi,

Laptop, LCD,

6 14-10-15 Mekanisme regulasi gen prokariota


Presentasi, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video, Kuis

7 21-10-15 Mekanisme regulasi gen eukariota, Tanaman


Presentasi, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video

8 28-10-15



9  11-11-15 Mekanisme regulasi gen eukariota: Human and animal


Presentasi, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video, Kuis

10 18-11-15 Struktur dasar Protein: determinasi & klasifikasi


Ceramah, Diskusi,

Laptop, LCD

11 25-11-15 Protein modification


Ceramah, Diskusi,

Laptop, LCD, Kuis

12 02-12-15 Functional Protein


Presentasi, Makalah,Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video

13 09-12-15 Interaksi antara  DNA-Protein & Protein-Protein


Presentasi, Makalah, Diskusi

Laptop. LCD, Video, Kuis

14 16-12-15 Proteomics, Metabolomics,

and Systems Biology


Ceramah, Diskusi,

Laptop, LCD, Kuis

15 23-12-15 Gene Regulation in Development

and Evolution


Ceramah, Diskusi,

Laptop, LCD, Kuis

16   UAS


Dosen Utama: F (Fatchiyah, Ph.D); ELA (Dr.Ir. Estri Laras A., MSc.St), SW (Dr. Sri Widyarti, MS)

Dosen tamu: WDD (Widodo, PhD.) and SBS (Prof. Sutiman B. Sumitro, SU, D.Sc.).







Prof. Fatchiyah, Ph.D







Home works of Human Genetics Lecture: Pedigree Analysis

The answers of home work send to email:

Before September 17, 2015

HOME WORKS Pedegree analysis (pre exam 1)



Workshop Pengelolaan Laboratorium diselenggarakan oleh RG Smonagenes UB dalam rangka PHK C

workshop ini diberikan ke peserta non PLP di UB, dan PLP di PTN dan PTS serta SMU se Kodya Malang,

Di ruang pertemuan MIPA center, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Durasi workshop selama 40 jam kerja, dimulai hari Senin 7 September 2015.

pemateri : Prof Fatchiyah, Dr.Ir. Gatot Ciptadi, Dr. Arie Srihardyastutie, M.Biomed., Instruktur: Dr.dr. Nurdiana, M.Kes., Dr. Titin Andri Wihastuti, Luluk, Setyowati, Rista NR, Faraline, dan Antonius Christianto.

materi pemateri 1:

1. Peran PLP dalam Manajemen Laboratorium Pendidikan (Fatchiyah)

2. Seluk beluk Pranata Laboratorium Pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi



Matriks Rencana Pembelajaran Semester Mata Kuliah Sidik Jari Molekuler.




Kemampuan Akhir

yang Diharapkan (CLO)

Bahan kajian

Pokok Bahasan


Sub Pokok Bahasan


Bentuk Pembelajaran

(Learning methods)

Indikator/Kriteria Penilaian

(Value Criteria)

Bobot Nilai


Fasilitas Pembelajaran

(learning Facility)

1 Menjelaskan Dasar-dasar sidik jari DNA dan DNA typing dalam forensik Dasar-dasar sidik jari DNA dan DNA typing dalam forensik Overview Dasar-dasar sidik jari DNA dan DNA typing dalam forensik DNA Fingerprinting & DNA typing on Forensic Biology Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module
2 Melakukan pengambilan sampel, purifikasi, penyimpanan Pengambilan sampel, purifikasi, penyimpanan Sample tracking Sample collection, extraction, purification & storage Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
3 Menetapkan metode isolasi dan analysis sampel molecular dan sekuensing Molecular sample preparation isolasi dan analysis sampel molecular dan sekuensing DNA isolation, PCR, DDGE and Sequencing Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
4 Memahami perbedaan genome dan mitokodria typing Genetic basis  of DNA typing Basic Analysis of DNA typing Genomic or mitokondria DN A Presentation, Mini Project Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
5 Membedakan Fingerprinting DNA  & Forensic DNA system Comparation of Fingerprinting DNA  & Forensic DNA system Fingerprinting DNA  & Forensic DNA system CODIS, Y-chromosome, SNP, STR, SSP, HLA typing Presentation, Mini Project Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
6 Menganlisis data molekuler secara in silico Analisis data molekuler secara in silico Bioinformatic Analysis DNA Seq analysis, alignment, phylogenetic tree Presentation, mini project, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
7 Menjelasakan Dasar teori DNA Barcoding Dasar teori DNA Barcoding DNA Barcoding analysis What is DNA Barcoding? Biomarker for DNA animal barcode Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
8     Middle test      

9 Membandingkan analisis DNA Barcoding pada biodiversitas dan kekerabatan hewan Analisis DNA Barcoding pada biodiversitas dan kekerabatan hewan DNA Barcoding analysis on animal molecular biodiversity and taxonomy Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) database

GeneBank  Database for DNA & Protein

Presentation, Mini Project Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
10 Membandingkan dasar analisis kekerabatan spesies Dasar-dasar analisis kekerabatan spesies Molecular data Interpretation UPGM, statistics analysis, Clad Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
11 Membandingkan analisis DNA Barcoding pada biodiversitas dan kekerabatan pada mikrobia Analisis DNA Barcoding pada biodiversitas dan kekerabatan pada mikrobia Biomarker for microbe DNA Barcoding analysis 16SRNA, SNP, SST Presentation, Mini Project Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
12 Membandingkan  dasar analisis DNA Barcoding utuk kekerabatan spesies Dasar analisis DNA Barcoding utuk kekerabatan spesies DNA Barcoding analysis on molecular biodiversity and taxonomy of microbe Bacteri, Virus, Jamur Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
13-14 Menenetapkan biomarker untuk analisis sisdik jari pada tanaman Type biomarker untuk analisis sisdik jari pada tanaman Biomarker for plant DNA Fingertyping and Barcoding analysis Minisatelite, microsatelite Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
15 Membandingkan analisis DNA Barcoding pada biodiversitas dan kekerabatan pada tanaman Analisis DNA Barcoding pada biodiversitas dan kekerabatan pada tanaman DNA Fingerprinting analayis on molecular biodiversity and taxonomy of plant RFLP, Simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLP), RAPD Presentation, Mini Project, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam


Daftar Pustaka

John M Butler. 2009. Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing 1st Edition. Academic Press. ISBN-13: 978-0123749994. ISBN-10: 0123749999

Richads Li. 2015. Forensic Biology. 2nd Edition. CRS. ·  ISBN-10: 1439889708 ·  ISBN-13: 978-1439889701

Jörg Epplen and Thomas Lubjuhnn. 1999. DNA Profiling and DNA Fingerprinting. Birkhäuser. ISBN-10: 3764360186. ISBN-13: 978-3764360184

Ricki Lewis. 2011. Human Genetics concepts and application. McGraw-Hill Education; 10 edition ISBN-13: 978-0073525303, ISBN-10: 0073525308 or ISBN: 007246268x

Tom Strachan & Andrew Read.2003. Human Molecular genetics. Garland Science; 3 edition. ·  ISBN-10: 0815341822 ·  ISBN-13: 978-0815341826

Julian Knight.2009. Human Genetic Diversity. Oxford Univrsity Press. London.

Robert Nussbaum, Roderick R. McInnes, and Huntington F Willard. 2007. Genetics in Medicine, 7th Edition. Sounders. ·  ISBN: 9781416030805

Ida Lopez and David L. Erickson. 2012. DNA Barcodes: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology). Human Press. ISBN-13: 978-1617795909. ISBN-10: 1617795909

Nikolaus J. Sucher and James R. Hennell. 2012. Plant DNA Fingerprinting and Barcoding: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology).  Human Press. ISBN-13: 978-1617796081. ISBN-10: 1617796085

Erich Grotewold and Joseph Chappel. 2015. Plant Genes, Genomes and Genetics. Willey Blackwell. ISBN-13: 978-1119998877. ISBN-10: 1119998875

Cecie Starr,  Ralph Taggart,  Christine Evers, & Lisa Starr.  Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life 14th Edition. Brooks Cole. ISBN-13: 978-1305073951. ISBN-10: 1305073959

Gene Helfman and Bruce B. Collette. 2009. The Diversity of Fishes: Biology, Evolution, and Ecology. Wiley-Blackwell; 2 edition. ISBN-10: 1405124946. ISBN-13: 978-1405124942

Jacques Izard and Maria Rivera. 2014. Metagenomics for Microbiology. !rst Ed. Academic Press. ISBN-13: 978-0124104723. ISBN-10: 012410472X

Sandra Tscherwizek. 2008. 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequencing: Establishment of a Method for the Identification of Microorganisms in Biopharmaceutical Production Areas. VDM Verlag Dr Muller. ISBN-13: 978-3639109030. ISBN-10: 3639109031



Matriks Rencana Pembelajaran Semester MK Genetika Manusia atau Genetika Medik.



Lerning Outcome

Focus study

Pokok Bahasan


Sub Pokok Bahasan


Bentuk Pembelajaran

(Learning methods)

Indikator/Kriteria Penilaian

(Value Criteria)

Bobot Nilai


Fasilitas Pembelajaran

(learning Facility)

1 Understand basic concepts of human genetics Basic concepts of human genetics Lecture and discussion


Laptop, LCD, module
2 Understand Mendelian inheritance patterns of the different types of inheritance patterns of human disease. Identify and  Compare a Mendelian inheritance pattern of different types of inheritance patterns of human disease Mendelian inheritance pattern of human disease Types of inheritance patterns of human disease Mendel law, single gene and polygenetics factors Sex-linked, multifactorial and maternal inheritance Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
3-4 Understand multigenic inheritance patterns. Identify a multigenic inheritance pattern. Mapping and characterizing “simple” genetic disease Mapping disease genes, disease-associated mutations, diseases associated with a gene loss-function effect, nuclear and mitochondrial genome mutations,  Evolution of a gene cluster and divergence of function Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
5-6 Understand Gene-environment interaction in behavior related Genomics to the study of complex diseases Identifify Gene-environment interaction in behavior related Genomics to the study of complex diseases Mapping and characterizing “complex” genetic diseases Genomics for the study of complex diseases, genetic study of type 2 diabetes and obesity, Gene-environment interaction in behavior, pharmacogenetics Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
6-8 Understand the current research into epigenetic and transgenerational inheritance. Explain the basics of epigenetic and transgenerational inheritance. Sex, prions, and epigenetics Epigenetic inheritance of chromatin states / Role of DNA methylation in human disease,dysregulation of the histone modification machinery, transgenerational epigenetic inheritance, sex determination,  prion diseases Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
9-10 Understand Chromosomal and genomic disorders Identify Chromosomal and genomic disorders Chromosomal and genomic disorders Mechanisms and maternal age influence the origin of aneuploidy in humans, mechanisms causing these aberrations, fragile X syndrome Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
11-12 Understand the potential implications of personalized and genomic medicine Explain the potential benefits and risks/challenges of genomic medicine. Natural genetics resources: the potential benefits and risks/challenges Pharcogenenomic and/orNutrigenomic:

Bioactive compound, phytopharmaca, functional food for healthy controlling

Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
13 Understand some of the ethical issues facing genomic researchers. Explain some of the ethical challenges raised by the prevalence of genomic data Medical genetics and the associated ethical, legal, and social implications Ethical clearanceInform consent

ELSI for medical research based on samples of  human or animal model

Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam
14-15 Understand how to interpret data from a genome-wide association (GWA) study and Genetic Testing Analyze data from genome-wide association studies. Genome-wide association (GWA) study and Genetic Testing Genome-wide association (GWA) studyType, across the life span (prenatal, pediatric and adult), technology, molecular, clinical and ethical perspectives Presentation, Lecture and discussion Kebenaran dan ketepatan analisis


Laptop, LCD, module, paper exam


Daftar Pustaka

Rick Lewis. 2011. Basic Human Genetics. Routledge Taylor & Francis group, NY ·  ISBN-10: 0415579864 · ISBN-13: 978-0415579865,

Ricki Lewis. 2011. Human Genetics concepts and application. McGraw-Hill Education; 10 edition ISBN-13: 978-0073525303, ISBN-10: 0073525308 or ISBN: 007246268x

Tom Strachan & Andrew Read.2003. Human Molecular genetics. Garland Science; 3 edition. ·  ISBN-10: 0815341822 ·  ISBN-13: 978-0815341826

Julian Knight.2009. Human Genetic Diversity. Oxford Univrsity Press. London.

Robert Nussbaum, Roderick R. McInnes, and Huntington F Willard. 2007. Genetics in Medicine, 7th Edition. Sounders. ·  ISBN: 9781416030805


Atau pustaka yang terbaru sesuai dengan materi kuliah