Lecture : Bioethics research

Bioethics research:

  • Morality is a unique feature of the life of human beings. It is deeply influenced by several cultural factors, such as history, traditions, education, religious beliefs, etc.
  • The intellectual analysis of this human dimension in all of its complexity is the goal of the discipline called Ethics. Ethics does not create morality or moral behavior.
  • The goal of ethics is much more modest: to explore the nature of moral experience, its universality and its diversity.
  • Ethics and morality are generally taken as synonyms, because they originally had the same meaning: the study of the disposition, character, or attitude of a specific person, group of people or culture, and ways of promoting or perfecting it.

JADWAL MK Bioetika penelitian hayati

Lec 1 – Bioethics-Research

Lect 2 Laik Ethik riset dengan Hewan Coba FAT

bioethic syllabi WHO

Lect 3 – MTA_presentation


Lecture ethics